Endometriosis Specialist In Champaign, IL


Treatment for Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a disease commonly associated with chronic pain, sexual difficulties, GI complaints, and infertility.

It is characterized by symptoms such as heavy or irregular periods, pain in the abdomen and lower back, and pain during sex or bowel movements.

Some women are able to go decades without symptoms after endometriosis therapy, but technically there is no specific cure for endometriosis. However, treatment options are available for symptoms. If you are looking for relief from debilitating endometriosis symptoms, Women’s Health Practice is your local sexual health and endometriosis specialist in Champaign, IL.

Criteria and Conditions
of Endometriosis

Uterine Tissue Growth

Endometriosis is when tissues like the lining of the uterus grow outside the uterus. Because it is often asymptomatic, a definitive diagnosis of endometriosis can often only be done after other conditions are ruled out.

Pain and Heavy Menstruation

Endometriosis is sometimes characterized by heavy bleeding and pain during menstruation, bowel movements, urination, and sex. Endometrial pain is unrelated to the amount of tissue, so some women don’t have any pain.


Endometriosis is strongly linked to infertility. For some women, seeing a doctor about fertility treatment is the only reason they discover they have endometriosis.

Endometriosis Diagnosis

When you come to Women’s Health Practice to see an endometriosis specialist in Champaign, IL, we start by collecting a comprehensive health history. This includes collecting your family history and sexual health history, as well as conducting a physical exam, pap smear, and other diagnostic tests.

Often pelvic examination or ultrasound can determine the presence of endometriosis or an endometriotic cyst of the ovary. In other women the diagnosis is based on history and response to treatment. It is rare to require surgery for diagnosis.

We take your concerns and goals into consideration and answer any questions you might have. It is important to note that, though there is no way to cure endometriosis, there are several treatments available to manage endometriosis pain, progression of endometriosis, or trouble conceiving.

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Treatment Options

Fertility Treatments

The more advanced the progression of endometriosis the more likely you are to be infertile. WHP can consult with you on possible options for fertility treatments if you’re struggling to conceive.


The most common therapies for endometriosis involve medications that affect the body’s hormone levels—hormonal contraception, hormonal IUDs, or GNRH medications.

Nutrition Counseling

Natural options for reducing inflammation-related pain caused by endometriosis include incorporating foods known for anti-inflammatory properties. Women’s Health Practice offers nutrition counseling and vitamin therapy.

Women’s Health Practice: Your Guides to Holistic Healthcare

Dr. Trupin, founder of Women’s Health Practice, was a pioneer in the study of and therapy for endometriosis, having participated in clinical trials in this area of gynecology for over 30 years.

We believe the path to wellness is a partnership, so we give you options for treatment based on your needs and concerns, not just your symptoms. We also welcome the chance to review therapies or offer second opinions.


Frequently Asked Questions About Endometriosis.

Get Care Now

Reach out to be seen by an endometriosis specialist in Champaign, IL at Women’s Health Practice.

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