The supplement DIM we recommend, DIM SGS+, is an optimized nutraceutical combination of 3,3-diindolylmethane (DIM), sulforaphane glucosinolate (SGS), and pomegranate whole fruit extract. This formula assists the body with detoxification, anti-oxidation benefits, heart health promotion, and most importantly keeping estrogen and testosterone hormone activity in healthy balance.
DIMs three ingredients also work together. The extracts from Broccoli, Brussels sprouts and other cruciferous vegetables (“crucifers”) protect against toxins and improve the body’s antioxidant defenses, and promoting healthy sex hormone balance. These foods are rich in substances called glucosinolates. DIM and SGS have been found beneficial, safe to take, and well tolerated in human clinical trials. Pomegranate is a medication dating back 5000 years, and contains more than 200 different substances promoting healthy inflammatory and sex hormone balance.
DIM Benefits Both Male and Female Reproductive System.
DIM (3,3’-Diindolylmethane) Brussels sprouts are especially rich in a glucosinolate called glucobrassicin which, after oral consumption becomes converted first to DIM. DIM can have favorable effects on women’s hormonal status, which consequently support and promote breast, uterine, and cervical health. DIM also may benefit the male reproductive system specifically lowering of prostate specific antigen (PSA).
DIM Likely Decreases Cancer Risks
Human cells make antioxidant enzymes to neutralize potentially harmful “free radical” substances, which are generated as oxygen used to generate life energy. Additionally, many cells of the liver, kidney, skin, and other organs also have Phase 2 detoxification enzymes that back up the antioxidant system. The component of our DIM SGS+ has one of the most potent Phase 2 activators known, Sulforaphane (SFN).
DIM Supports Mental Function and Gut Health
The metabolite of DIM, SFN, supports mental functions. SFN improved mood better than did a placebo, including irritability, motivation, socialization and cognitive function. in adults, adolescents, and children. Pomegranate Whole Fruit Extract Pomegranate (Punica granatum) was one of the first plants to be cultivated.15 The whole-fruit extract in this formula contains numerous beneficial ellagitannins (including punicalagins and many others), gallotannins, flavonoids (including anthocyanins that give its red color), fatty acids, lignans, terpenoids, sterols, and organic and phenolic acids. Pomegranate research documents it boosts the body’s antioxidant defenses, and supports gut, brain, joint, and skin health. The ellagitannins abundant in pomegranate fruit support healthy intestinal bacterial balance, increasing beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli while decreasing clostridia and other nonbeneficial bacterial populations.
Intestinal bacteria transform pomegranate ellagitannins into urolithins. Urolithins can regulate both estrogen and testosterone receptors, as well as the enzyme (aromatase) that transforms testosterone to estradiol. By these actions the urolithins promote healthy growth patterns in breast and prostate tissues.
DIM SGS+ Is A Powerful, Protective Nutraceutical The three nutraceutical ingredients in DIM SGS+ support each other’s benefits for healthy sex hormone metabolism, for processing and clearance of excess hormones from the body, and for broad[1]spectrum neutralization of numerous toxins along with their subsequent clearance from the body. DIM SGS+ is a prudent choice for anyone being continually exposed to toxins simply by having to live in the real world.
We recommend one DIM a day with food, taken any time of the day.