Women ovulate monthly, unless they are on a hormonal contraception or have a hormonal imbalance, from the time they go through puberty until age of menopause: so about 400 times. Each month that ovulation may produce a cyst, or a cyst can form from ovarian tissue that is not directly caused by ovulation. This picture shows a cyst, actually called endometrioma, which is a cyst of endometriosis with some blood flow around it.
1. Ovarian Cysts are much more likely to be non-cancerous than cancerous, even in the population that is genetically at risk for ovarian cancer
2. Ovarian Cysts are more often occur on the right as women ovulate more on the right
3. When they do occur on the right, ovarian cysts are more likely to resolve without medical intervention than when they occur on the left.
4. Birth control pills prevent over 80% of cases of ovarian cysts
5. Birth control pills prevent women from ever needing medical intervention in the case of ovarian cysts
6. Most ovarian cysts are fluid filled sacs and not solid masses
7. Cysts of the ovary can be very small, such as less than 1/2 an inch or quite large, such as over 4 inches, and size alone won’t determine whether it is a cancerous cyst or not.
8. The location of the pain in a woman with ovarian cyst will not always determine the side the cyst is on as pelvic nerves cross and you may think that your cyst is on the opposite side.
Women with abdominal discomfort or pain, discomfort or pain with sex, low back pains, urinary symptoms, irregular spotting, menstrual cramping, or bowel symptoms such as bloating might have an ovarian cyst and should see your gyno for a pelvic exam. We are accepting new patinets at Women’s Health Practice 217-356-3736.