Speak to your gyno, and figure out where your risk factors are, and see what you can do for a 2025 resolution to lower your risk. Here’s a list of risk factors to review and then pick a health behavior that can lower your risk.
Those with Dense Breasts
Those with Prior Abnormal Breast Ultrasound
Those with Prior Abnormal Mammogram
Those with a Breast Lump
Those with Very Cystic Breasts
Those with Strong Family History (Try to decrease risk in other areas)
Those who have had Early Menarche and Late Menopause (There may be other ways to modify hormone risk)
Those who Have Low Activity Levels.
Higher Body Mass Index (Obesity) and Those with High Body Fat %
Older Age at First Pregnancy
Increased Alcohol Consumption (?Some studies now say no amount of alcohol is safe)
Those who Did Not Breastfeed