How Much Daily Salt is Ok?

  1. Experts argue about how much salt we need, and how much salt we tolerate.
  2. Perhaps 2300 mg daily is ok, but perhaps we should only be getting 1500 per day, some tribes in Brazil consume over 10,000 mg a day!
  3. Generally diets that are high in fruits and vegetables and non-fat dairy products are associated with the lowest blood pressure least heart disease; regardless of salt intake., These diets have low salt and plenty of potassium and calcium.
  4. Generally too much salt over time has been linked to high blood pressure, and lowering salt intake if you have high blood pressure will have a beneficial effect on blood pressure.
  5. Many foods have salt that we never think about, what, if you just worked out and are downing a Gatorade….that would be 80 (of your 1200 today).
  6. Cutting back on salt works to lower blood pressure if you are fat, if you are thin, if you are young, if you are old, if you already have normal BP or if you have hypertension, but how to spice up food without it? Here’s were you need to try some parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme, yum, it’s got me humming already.
  7. And for more advanced understanding of risks and benefits of the right amount of salt in your diet as well as your other heart disease risk factors, you need to calculate your Framingham Risk Score, then get in to get your blood lipid levels as well, and then to discuss with your Gyno Gal, or whomever is doing your primary care, because in matters of the Heart…risk reduction is where it’s at!