Secret Answers to Butt Pain Questions You Wanted to Ask

Health care providers say they never get their patients to come right out and ask their embarrassing questions right off at the start of an appointment. So just air these topics right now, and if you still have questions: you know the right answer: get to your gyno for an actual check up, and a discussion based on your personal concerns. We answer some of your questions, but really these topics are much more involved than these answers would let you believe.

1. What is butt pain most likely caused by? Your gyno is first going to want to have you accurately describe the pain. Is it really your butt, your hip, your buttock, your lower back, or the vaginal, they all have different causes. How long are the pain episodes, what were you doing when you felt the pain, even feelings you might not describe as pain including pelvic tension pains and muscle soreness can produce the symptoms.

2. Is it ok to ignore rectal bleeding? Hemorrhoids or fissures can cause this without being serious, but no, don’t ignore. And your doc might even want you to get an STD test.

3. Is butt discharge normal? This also could just mean a superficial fissure, which is just a split in the tissue, and there are many causes of fissure, but they aren’t ‘normal’ and should be checked by your gyno. At Women’s Health Practice we would advocate a rectal exam as well as a pelvic exam. Call 217-356-3736 to schedule your visit! Pain with bowel movement is a sign of fissure. Actual fistulas, which are tracks leading from the colon to the skin are relatively uncommon. Those who have actual bowel disease in addition to butt pain should see their GI doc.

4. What would butt itching mean? Sometimes when your anus itches it’s a simple matter of eating the wrong thing. tomatoes, caffeine, beer, citrus, and mild can all cause itching conditions of the butt. But there are infectious diseases and parasites that can cause this.

5. I think I have a lump near my butt opening, is that serious? Usually it’s a hemorrhoid, a wart, or a localized infection, possibly of a hair follicle. These aren’t serious, but should be checked out, other causes such as STD or an abscess should be checked out right away. Some serious medical conditions and infections you could transmit may be the cause, testing is important.

6. Is anal sex safe? And you may just have to have a conversation about how to have anal sex safely at the time of your check up. And no, anal sex should cause butt pain that persists.

7. Can I transmit anal warts? Yes, and if you haven’t been vaccinated against HPV you need to seek vaccination as well if you are under the age of 45.

8. Is it true you don’t need a condom to have butt sex? Not that’s not accurate, if semen is near the vagina, pregnancies have been reported.

9. Is a change in the size or shape of my poop something I need to tell the doctor about? It is more important if there also pain and or blood in the stool. While this is probably just diet, exercise, and hydration related colon cancer signs usually involve bowel habits, weight loss, pains, blood or feelings of incomplete evacuation.

10. Sharp buttock pain? The medical term is proctalgia. Almost never something to ignore.

11. Is it possible to have a prolapse of my rectum? Yes, there are a number of pelvic floor disorders including weak muscles, tears, weak collagen support that can cause prolapse of rectum, prolapse of the anus, and other pelvic floor conditions like rectocele. See your gynecologist, and there are minor conditions that can be treated by pelvic floor strengthening such as using the Emsella.

Most all of these topics can be addressed with your primary. You only need to check with a proctologist if referred after a check up, your primary care physician should be able to answer any straight forward Anal Questions!