Easy Fixes to Help You Lose Weight
- Even if not on a weight modification program some basic nutritional strategies are important for health and longevity. Your nutritional needs will change if your activity changes, if you have medical issues, if you are changing your lifestyle habits such as smoking; and they vary based on your genetics as well.
- Our recommendation is for everyone to become within a healthy body fat percentage, as well as to have good muscle mass, healthy waist to hip ratio, and to have a healthy weight given these factors. Beginning to achieve those goals is healthier than trying to set a goal weight too soon.
- Weight and body fat percentage maintenance is important, and we want to focus on that for those healthy.
- Carbohydrates are essential to a healthy diet, providing energy for your whole body. But it’s best to get carbs from healthy, minimally processed foods, like fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, whole grains and dairy. Whole grains also prevent blood sugar spikes and stabilize your insulin levels, whether you are a diabetic or not.
- Eating a plant-powered diet can have incredible health benefits, ranging from lower rates of heart disease and diabetes to some types of cancer. However, omitting meat doesn’t give you a “get out of jail free” card in terms of nutrition; and we recommend some meat in most healthy diets. Try to be as colorful as possible with fruits and vegetables.
- Protein heavy diets can be the fastest to lose weight, many alternatives out there, just let us know what plan you have begun on, or help guide you in selecting a program.
- Total calorie count is important, but the types of calories you eat are probably more important; we suggest you do some tracking and report to us what your basic daily calorie count. As a rough estimate you can google how many calories a day you should eat to maintain weight, and then minus about 400 calories out of your diet per day.
- Artificial sweeteners give food a sweet taste without extra calories, but they might not be all that good for you. Research on the subject is mixed, but there’s some evidence to suggest that they may change your perception of sweetness (making you crave higher levels of sweetness) and alter your gut bacteria. You’re better off weaning yourself from highly sweet foods and enjoying the taste of fruit and less sweetened drinks.
- Timing of food and calorie intake should be planned, but many plans can work. A typical eating pattern is a tiny bit of protein for breakfast, a little more for lunch and a huge amount for dinner. Getting enough protein at each meal gives your body more opportunities to create new muscle. It also may help control hunger, which helps with weight management. Aim for protein at each meal.
- While, gram per gram, fat has more calories than carbs and protein, fat provides you with a feeling of fullness and helps your body absorb nutrients like vitamins A, D and E. Think plant fats for optimal health, like nuts, seeds, olive oil and avocados, and just watch your portion size.
- Exercise and increased muscle mass will speed your metabolism, but we tend to eat more with more exercise. There are foods, spices, and other ways you can design your meal plans that increase your metabolism and this includes: caffeine, green tea, black pepper, cayenne pepper, chili powder, garlic, and even ground ginger. Like dried spices, raw and cooked hot peppers—such as cayenne, jalapeno, and habanero—can cause your metabolism to spike naturally.
- Modified fasts help reset your metabolism, there are several 3-5 day fasts that can kick start your fasting journey, so ask us about them.
- A diet high in Omega-3 fatty acids is a sure way to increase your metabolism and energy levels. Scientists monitored the diets of lab mice and found that rodents who consumed greater amounts of omega-3’s had a higher metabolism due to lower levels of a hormone, known as leptin. This can be accomplished with seeds, nuts, fatty fish and we recommend the Skin Supplement Omega-3s we have for sale.
- Also accelerating metabolism can be done with food or vitamin shots. With food we recommend you try broccoli as a fat fighter due to several detoxifying vitamins—notably A, C, and K, antioxidants, dietary fiber and folate. Vitamin C supports insulin and helps you metabolize all your food better. We also have our customized Slim Shots for sale.
- Studies published by the National Institutes of Health show that the resistant starch in dried red beans naturally keeps insulin levels in check so you feel full for longer, are less prone to binge eating, and just naturally store less fat.
- Raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries are a naturally sweet and juicy dessert or snack. However, berries are also rich in anthocyanins, water-soluble vacuolar pigments that encourage production of the hormone, adiponectin, and prevent the expansion of fat cells.In addition, National Institutes of Health research shows that berries rich in the micronutrients, polyphenols, (i.e., raspberries and strawberries) reduce the body’s absorption of fats and starches, which can add up quickly and cause weight ga
- We recommend only 8 glasses of water daily, but actually some studies linked greater water consumption—of at least 17-ounces of water per day—to increased metabolic rates of 30-percent for both males and females
- Blood work testing can guide your need for various vitamins and supplements and we do recommend some screening blood work. If you have any testing with other providers please bring us those results.