Egg on Your Face? It’s Healthy (Again? Maybe?)

Eggs are a nutrient dense healthy food. However, the fact is that an egg contains over 180 mg of cholesterol, and the American Heart Association still recommends that we consume no more than 300 mg of cholesterol a day.

Some studies show egg consumption can raise the risk of cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular events, coronary artery disease, acute myocardial infarct, acute coronary syndrome, stroke, or heart failure; and many studies say not only is this not true, but egg consumption may be protective against heart disease!

Some studies have been flawed in that many people consume eggs at the same time as bacon and dairy products. And that is the biggest problem with nutrition research, and the reason it’s hard to take studies and individually apply.

The facts are that cholesterol is easy to test in the blood stream, and easy to reflect relatively short term diet management (3 months). So if you are really curious, we are just going to have to test your blood before and after nutrition interventions!